Answering Tom Terwilliger – Part 6

Wow! I can honestly say that free stuff is sometimes better than anything you will ever pay for. I just finished part 6 of Tom Terwilliger’s challenge about the 7 Rules of Achievement. In this video, he encourages you to download a visualization audio. It is worth your while to go and check it out.

I started this process just to keep myself accountable for what I am working on. It is out there, in cyberspace, for anyone to see. I had no idea that it was going to be so life affirming. You see, I am not really good at meditation, unless it is a guided meditation. I am really good if I hear a voice telling me what to do. And so the IR Vision is great for this. The benefit goes deeper than that. I just laid on my bed and saw my dream come true and woke up with the energy of ten people.

I know what I want to do. I know where I want to go. I have my map and the tools at my disposal. I am sure now this is what I want more than anything in life. It is true what some say, it is not about the money. It is about the dream you want to achieve and the journey of knowledge that takes you there. I just laid in bed and tears did not flow, they watered my eyes and made me acknowledge that as scared as I am about putting myself out there, it is the path I choose and I will gladly take it. So hang on, this is going to be a great ride.

Now here is the video for Part 6 and don’t forget to leave your comments below. Thanks.

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